Event Details
This beautiful scarf combines cobweb felt and nuno felted, hand dyed silk. Merino wool fibres start from Muted mink at one end, changing to slate grey, finally ending in deep petrol blue. The scarf has added texture in the from of merino knepps and burrs, tussah silk fibres, and sparlky angelina fibres. At the end each end of the scarf a panel of ponge silk has been nuno felted on to the end of the cobweb scarf, and long merino tassles drape over the top. This scarf is very versatile and the different tones compliment each other fantastically when wrapped around for wear. The silk ends and muted hues reminded me of a cool summer sky, giving rise to the scarf’s name ” Summer daze”
product code NFCWFC-EH-SD-0911
product code NFCWFC-EH-SD-0911